Introduction to Evolving Sensation: Mapping

This "Taster" introduces you to the key concepts,

over two sessions, Fridays and Saturdays 10:00 to 13:30 (UK)

upcoming dates in 2025: 25 & 26 April, 20 & 21 June, 12 & 13 September

booking to open soon

If you are interested in our main course, but have little or no experience of the method, this day is an important foundation for your studies. It is also a "taster" day, if you are not yet sure that this is an approach you want to learn more about.

On the day, you will learn how the latest developments in Sensation & Mapping  Methods can transform your case-taking, analysis and prescribing. You will discover how to reach a clear understanding of your patient’s deepest pattern and a confident choice of remedy through applying the framework of the periodic table across kingdoms (Levels of Human Development) and key concepts including Kingdom analysis and Levels of Experience.

These key concepts are introduced using cases, video and activities for an interactive, fun day of learning.

Some comments from our previous participants...

"A really credible presentation of the sensation method for beginners.  Interactive, stimulating, engaging and exciting! I came away feeling, yes, I could put this into practice.  I want to know more." SP

"Although the concepts were new, they were very clearly explained. It was all very inspiring. I would recommend it to all." MBL


The comfort of your own home,

via Zoom

a Zoom link will be emailed to you in advance

Date & Time

Friday 20 September 2024

& Saturday 21 September 2024

2 pm to 5.30 pm

You will need to attend live both afternoons.

The sessions will not be recorded.



Your place is reserved on payment.