About Us

The ACThomeopathy course was conceived and developed in 2015 by Graz Baran, Helen Dalton, Ilana Dannheisser and Grazia Gatti, with the first group taught by all the founders.  Until lockdown occurred in 2020 the course met face-to-face in London for ten full days, moving to on-line in April 2020, meeting two half-days instead. Eventually Graz bowed out of the teaching, and with the passing of Helen in 2022 there arose a need to expand the team. In 2023 we welcomed Sarah, Sara and Margrit.  Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi continue to be our inspiration and Course Advisors.

The course continues to be delivered in the on-line format, with the possibility of reaching a larger national and international participation.

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Ilana Dannheisser MSc RSHom

Ilana has been in homeopathy practice since 1996, having gained her licentiate from the London College of Classical Homeopathy. She went on to study with Jeremy Sherr at the Dynamis School, and then in 2009 completed her MSc in Homeopathy at the University of Central Lancashire. Since 2000, she has followed the development of the 'sensation' system closely, through the work of Sankaran, his Mumbai colleagues, and Drs Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi in particular. Education has always been a deep interest. Ilana has taught for most of her life in the University system, in the arts prior to becoming a homeopath, and then on various homeopathy courses. She is a supervisor and mentor for final year students in their clinical training.  Case-taking has been a special concern - her Masters dissertation was a research paper on "The Homeopaths Experience of the Homeopathic Consultation."

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Grazia Gatti RSHom

Grazia studied homeopathy at the London College of Classical Homeopathy graduating in 1999 and has been registered with the Society of Homeopaths since 2004. Before coming to homeopathy Grazia was a literary translator and she has 20 years experience in teaching translation at postgraduate level. In her teaching she has always been passionate about finding effective ways to help students develop all the practical and analytical skills needed to practice their profession and grow in it. Her path as a homeopath has been profoundly influenced by meeting the Sensation Method and its developments, and in particular by the teaching of Dr Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi, with whom she has been studying since 2009. Grazia mainly applies their method in her practice.

In 2014 Grazia was awarded one of the WISH grants to take part in the first Train The Trainer programme at The Other Song Academy in Mumbai, which she attended last November.She is very excited to be able to bring her two professional strands into ACTHomeopathy and contribute to the creation of strong and grounded clinical skills training in our profession.

Sarah Lane MAHons MSc DSH RSHom

Sarah qualified with a Practitioner Diploma in Homeopathy from the School of Homeopathy in 2008.  Prior to this, she had a background in teaching English as a foreign language and aromatherapy massage, and since qualifying as a homeopath has also given breastfeeding support as a Breastfeeding counsellor.  In 2017, she became co-editor and then sole editor of the Society of Homeopath’s journal, New Homeopath, blending her homeopathy skills with those developed earlier whilst completing an MAHons in English Literature.  Alongside editing the journal, she sat on the Research Committee for the Society of Homeopaths for five years and, in 2022, gained a first class Master’s degree in Integrated Healthcare from the University of Central Lancashire.  Sarah first came in contact with the Drs Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshis’ teaching while completing her supervised portfolio and has been working with the system ever since, following their expansion out from the Sensations Method to the continued refinement of their own highly successful Mapping Method.


Sara Saund BA (Hons) RSHom

Before beginning her journey to becoming a homeopath, Sara studied European languages at university and then went off on a 5 year journey to the East where she both practiced and learned to teach Reiki and Active Meditation, spending a year in charge of the meditation program at a thriving international resort in India. Once her 2 children were both in full time education, Sara studied at the School of Homeopathy and went straight on to do the ACT Mapping course as soon as she graduated, having experienced the value of a systematic approach to casework and prescribing for her patients through the periodic table. The Mapping system was a natural progression, and one that suited her perfectly! A relatively new homeopath, Sara has been in practice since 2021, and has found the MAP and the Forum of like minded homeopaths to be invaluable in her growing practice. She is excited to join the team at ACT Homeopathy, and to be able to share this invaluable system with the wider homeopathic community.

Margrit Schreier, Dr. phil., Dipl. psych., DSHom

Margrit has an extensive background and experience of more than 25 years as an academic researcher, supervisor, and instructor in psychology and research methods. She studied homeopathy at the School of Homeopathy where she qualified in 2014. She then went on to study for the German naturopathy exam (‘Heilpraktiker’) and has been in clinical practice since 2017. She is also a certified mindfulness teacher. Following qualification as a homeopath, she was a member of Shilpa Bhouraskar’s Argentum network for three years, and she attended numerous seminars and online courses with a focus on the sensation method, e.g. by Rajan Sankaran, Jonathan Hardy, and Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi. It has always been important to her to have a variety of different approaches to case taking and prescribing at her disposal, and over the recent years she has increasingly turned to the MAP. It has always been a special concern of hers in her teaching, whether it is research methods or approaches to case taking and prescribing in homeopathy, to support learners in applying the systems, methods, and approaches in practice.

Helen Dalton LCPH MARH

We are sad to announce that Helen passed away in November 2022. Helen was instrumental in devising and delivering this course from its inception. We retain her details here in her honour, as she continues to be present, in spirit, as long as the course continues to run.  - ACThomeopathy team

Helen Dalton has been practising homeopathy in London since 1997, having studied at the College of Homeopathy and the College of Practical Homeopathy.  Over her years of practice, Helen has investigated, studied and tried out many approaches to the ongoing challenge of consistently finding the remedies that will best help patients, including new remedies from meditative provings, PC remedies and the Second Simillimum, and CEASE therapy. She also trained and qualified as an EFT practitioner.  Learning the Sensation Method and the Joshis' Mapping Method has had a transformative effect on her practice, and since 2009 Helen has been applying the evolving approaches to Mapping in case-taking and prescribing. She has studied regularly with Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi, with their video course, monthly webinars and regular seminars in UK, as well as on the intensive 2-week seminars in India in 2014 and 2019 . She also completed the 1-year Sensation Method course at the Aroga School of Homeopathy, and has attended seminars with Rajan Sankaran and Dinesh Chauhan.  Helen also has a background and interest in education, with many years of experience as a teacher and teacher trainer.

Graz Baran FSHom (Hon)

Graz has extensive experience as a teacher, supervisor and homeopath. She taught 11 - 18 Sciences in Inner London for 16 years and subsequently became a researcher at the Institute of Education for a further 4 years. She commenced homeopathic practice in 1992 having qualified at The School of Homeopathy, where she briefly was Deputy Principal (1994 - 1996). She went on to play a substantial part in the development of the Society of Homeopaths over 14 years  (1994 - 2007): her various roles included Newsletter Editor, Education Director and Registrar.  Clinical Supervision has been a vital strand of her work for which she holds a Diploma from Cascade Associates. Her involvement in the sensation approach began in 2003, initially in Goa and subsequently Mumbai. She has been working with the Joshis since 2006.

Drs Shachindra and Bhawisha Joshi

Shachindra and Bhawisha Joshi have extensive clinical and teaching experience throughout the world. They have pioneered the expansion of the sensation approach through their deep understanding of the patterns within the mineral, animal and plants kingdoms. Their insights into the parallels between the kingdoms have given a new appreciation of the clinical process. They have always been known for their generosity of spirit in their teaching and will be acting as advisors as well as supplying case examples for this course.

See their website